St. Louis, and eastern equine encephalitis. In severe situations, symptoms might be fatal.
Assassin bugs, which bite near the mouth, may spread Chagas disease. The condition can lead to serious heart and intestinal difficulties if left unchecked.
Some of Virginia's 17 bat species can spread rabies, which is lethal if untreated. The silver-haired bat is known for carrying a variant of rabies that can infect people.
Multiple stings from these aggressive insects cause severe pain and allergic reactions. Nests are usually in trees or under eaves.
These enormous birds' keen talons and strong grip make them hazardous, even though they attack rarely. They fiercely guard their nests.
The "tigers of the sky," they have formidable talons and can attack disturbers of their nests. They can hunt larger animals.
These insects, larger than regular hornets, can sting painfully and protect their nests.
In late summer and early fall, these wasps are aggressive. They can sting numerous times and are food-oriented, making outdoor activities risky.